Thursday, November 29, 2012

Chlorine Gas Tanks at Sewer Plants Need Upgrades to Protect From International Terrorism

Many sewer treatment plants have huge chlorine Tanks on their properties. These tanks contain large amounts of Chlorine Gas. These tanks should have barriers around them to prevent a truck from driving into them, as series of ditches and berms as part of the landscape is a good start. But also double walled tanks like on Oil Tanker ships.

Should we add protective coatings, which contain chemical membranes which can attach the escaping gas between the walls. So an explosive device would cause the membrane to heat up and other gases could combine with the Chlorine Gas to prevent problems. Many POTWs do not use much Chlorine Gas which means that such huge tanks are not on the property. A huge Earthquake or attack could cause the escaping gas to flow with the relative winds into populated areas. We need these upgrades. As we know that International Terrorists like to use the infrastructure against us.

Normally the inlets and valves have automatic shut offs and warnings alarm to protect workers to get out of the way, but trying to get a whole city to evacuate quickly may not be possible.

We should continue to improve our infrastructures to be mother nature proof and nearly impossible to be used against us in the event of an International Attack.

A lot has been done to make these things fool proof, perhaps we might raise the bar a couple of more levels. The wonderful work of our engineers and the upgrades made to these facilities has propelled the United States to have some of the cleanest water ways in the world. We have prevented diseases, helped wildlife and are so cutting edge, we ought to be proud. Now there is an elevated threat, so we need to pay attention and continue to innovate. Perhaps the Chlorine Gas can be replaced with other means as we upgrade the facilities as needed. We need to pay attention to new technologies in the Publically Owned Treatment Works Industry.

The Industry has done so much and many facilities are International Terrorist proof thus eliminating them from contention, but not all are. We might wish to expedite these upgrades as needed.

Chlorine Gas Tanks at Sewer Plants Need Upgrades to Protect From International Terrorism   

Chlorine Gas Tanks at Sewer Plants Need Upgrades to Protect From International Terrorism

Many sewer treatment plants have huge chlorine Tanks on their properties. These tanks contain large amounts of Chlorine Gas. These tanks should have barriers around them to prevent a truck from driving into them, as series of ditches and berms as part of the landscape is a good start. But also double walled tanks like on Oil Tanker ships.

Should we add protective coatings, which contain chemical membranes which can attach the escaping gas between the walls. So an explosive device would cause the membrane to heat up and other gases could combine with the Chlorine Gas to prevent problems. Many POTWs do not use much Chlorine Gas which means that such huge tanks are not on the property. A huge Earthquake or attack could cause the escaping gas to flow with the relative winds into populated areas. We need these upgrades. As we know that International Terrorists like to use the infrastructure against us.

Normally the inlets and valves have automatic shut offs and warnings alarm to protect workers to get out of the way, but trying to get a whole city to evacuate quickly may not be possible.

We should continue to improve our infrastructures to be mother nature proof and nearly impossible to be used against us in the event of an International Attack.

A lot has been done to make these things fool proof, perhaps we might raise the bar a couple of more levels. The wonderful work of our engineers and the upgrades made to these facilities has propelled the United States to have some of the cleanest water ways in the world. We have prevented diseases, helped wildlife and are so cutting edge, we ought to be proud. Now there is an elevated threat, so we need to pay attention and continue to innovate. Perhaps the Chlorine Gas can be replaced with other means as we upgrade the facilities as needed. We need to pay attention to new technologies in the Publically Owned Treatment Works Industry.

The Industry has done so much and many facilities are International Terrorist proof thus eliminating them from contention, but not all are. We might wish to expedite these upgrades as needed.

Chlorine Gas Tanks at Sewer Plants Need Upgrades to Protect From International Terrorism   

Create New Programs For Your Sales Funnel

Information marketers must always add something new to their product line. You can't just be content with ebooks and audio products these days. Remember, it's your job to address the growing and changing needs of your potential clients. One of the best things that you can add to your list of offerings is group coaching program. In here, you'll invite 5-12 people either over teleconference or face-to-face meeting to teach them specific skill or information.

These types of programs are extremely popular in the online arena these days as more and more people are taking bold steps in learning things that they consider extremely important. If you're convinced to add this to your product funnel, here's what you need to do:

Get the pulse of your target audience. First thing to do is to know what kind of information or skills you're going to discuss on your program. It's must be something useful and out-of-the ordinary. As you'll be charging clients no less than $500 per program, you can't just teach them how to save money by using coupons, right? Most people these days are more than willing to shell out their dimes to learn the ropes of investing and making money online. They'll also most likely to sign up with life coaching programs or those programs that will help them advance in their careers.

Now that you know the specific need and demand of your prospects, the next step is to plan your program. You can't just meet these people without proper planning? Start with setting the program's goal. What would be your desired end-result for this? Perhaps, you would want your clients to know all the tools that they need to improve the quality of their lives or you may want to arm them with specific knowledge that they can use when they're putting their money on investment. Ensure that your goals are realistic and measurable. Then, create an outline to guide you and specific plans of action as to how you can achieve the goals of the program. This must contain the list of topics that you're going to discuss, the hands-on training that needs to be done, and the Q&A portion.

Advertise your group coaching programs. Let your potential clients know that your programs are already available in the market. As these people would want to know what they'll be paying for should they decide to sign up, provide them with the list of topics that you're going to cover and the list of benefits that they can expect to get. Ensure that communicate this in a very enticing manner. Talk about your programs on your blog, website, on forums, and on social networking sites to easily promote awareness.

Conduct your programs. Once you have successfully secured at least 5 sign-ups, you can conduct your programs either through phone or in person. Teach your clients using the most effective, tried-and-tested coaching methods. Aside from doing presentations, I would also recommend giving out hand-outs and using visual aids. Also, encourage your participants to ask question and be prepared to provide the best answers.

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Improve Your Results With Google Author Tags

Ad Google Author Tags and Start Owning Your Content

Does Google recognize you as the author of what you publish online? If you are not sure, then there is a good chance you may not be taking full ownership of your content. To get the most credit for what you post you need to be sure to add Google author tags.

The trick to making Google author tags stick is linking up your Google+ account with your blog. By making this small addition to your writing, you can drastically improve how your content appears in Search Engine Results Pages. All that is necessary is the addition of some basic HTML code representing your Google author tag.

Adding Google Author Tags

Make sure to setup a Google+ account before continuing. The image for this account is important as it will show in search results. Choose an image that you're comfortable with and one that helps convey your message. Provide as much information as possible as well. The more people know about you, the more they will connect to your material.

After setting up a profile, it is necessary to set up your contributor link. You can do this by clicking on your profile --> scrolling to the bottom -->click "add custom link" where it says "contributor to" ---> type your blog link using a keyword. Choose a keyword that best exemplifies your blog. Make sure public is checked, then click save.

When that is complete, you will need to add your Google + profile URL to your blog. Log into you Google+ account and look for the home button. Under the home button is the profile button. Use a right click to copy the link address.

To add that link to your blog, make sure to include rel="author" in the HTML code. Add this code to any blog article you wrote. A couple of good spots are in your bio, or place it as widget text on the side of you blog. Either one of these options will have the desired effect.

I hope you find this information useful. Setting up Google author tags is a rather easy process, but can have a big impact on your search results. Might as well take the time to just get it done! If you are using en Empower Network blog this could be particularly useful to help make you stand out in the crowd.

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Successful Website Traffic Generation

Everyone with a website needs to know a website traffic generation method and since it's takeover of Overture, Yahoo has continued the use of p4p or Pay for Performance. Overture had the foresight to see that advertising via the internet was going to revolutionise how people shopped as it would be so simple. Anyone with a computer and internet access could have the worlds products and services at their fingertips.

The on-line profile of any a particular website needs to be as dynamic as possible ensuring the greatest number of visitors possible to ensure sales continue in an upward trend. Yahoo makes available an advertising service that matches a company's advertisement to keywords imputed by an internet user while searching for products or services.

This service provided by Yahoo extends the range of traffic, or visitors, made aware of a company's product and after all said and done, that is the name of the game.

With so many competitors in the web arena, possibly the single most important facet of website promotion is to get your website viewed by as many people as possible and as often as possible.

Such a website traffic generation method service is provided by Yahoo and other search engines no doubt. Your website and advertisement are linked to keywords that a person could potentially type into their search bar. When your keywords and a searchers' keywords match your ad will appear alongside the results.

As an example - let's say your website is about vegetable gardening and you offer seeds, fertilizers, tools etc. You put these types of keywords together with any others pertaining to your niche into the profile within the Yahoo ad system so that whenever they are typed into a search engine by an internet user the ad that you also loaded into the system will appear in front of the person searching. Goal achieved.

Many web masters will go to great lengths trying to get their site as high up as possible in the ranking order by doing search engine optimization, but the ad system will almost completely eliminate the need.

Website owners have to pay for the service and will be given the choice of being charged when someone clicks on your ad or when your ad appears. One more feature offered in the system is for your ad to appear on other peoples websites.

The owner of the website will have agreed to allow Yahoo to place the ad on their site in exchange for a small percentage of what you are charged and your ad will match the niche that the third party site targets.

The website traffic generation method described above has assisted many a business to catapult its online presence and profits into the heavens.

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